how to upload multiple videos in one post on facebook

Learning how to schedule multiple posts on Facebook is a valuable skill. Not merely does it save you time, just it also allows you to automate your social media marketing processes, allowing you to deliver consistent, high-quality content to your social media audiences.

In turn, this allows you lot to connect and engage with a far greater number of people, spreading your brand'due south message far and wide.

Scheduling also has the power to shape a more than considered approach to your social media marketing. It gives you the liberty and the foresight to be able to create well-considered, strategic posts alee of time that engages your audience and serves your larger business goals.

Scheduling a Post on Facebook

When y'all schedule multiple posts on Facebook or any of your other social media platforms, automating your social media posting becomes even easier. But outset, it's helpful to understand the process of how to schedule posts through Facebook.

Scheduling a post on Facebook is fairly unproblematic, however, you want to ensure you don't make whatsoever mistakes when scheduling or your post could go live at the wrong fourth dimension or publish with wrong re-create, images, or links.

How to Schedule Posts on Facebook

Fifty-fifty though bulk scheduling your posts is much faster than the tedious process of scheduling single posts one by one, sometimes yous volition but need to schedule a single Facebook post. In those scenarios, merely follow these uncomplicated steps.

Firstly, head to your business organisation' Facebook page.

Footstep one: Create Your Postal service

To create your unmarried Facebook postal service, head to the summit of your Facebook page.

From there, click "Publishing Tools," followed by "Create Mail" on the main screen of this page.

Alternatively, you can become straight to the main feed on your Facebook page. At that place yous will spot the box you'll be using to create your post, simply similar you would run into on your own individual Facebook folio.

Click the box and add your re-create, images, or links every bit needed, to create your post.

Schedule Facebook Posts Natively with Publishing Tools

Step two: Create Your Schedule

Next, y'all demand to schedule your post. When you click the dropdown on the "Share Now" push button, yous'll see a menu with a few options. If yous demand to save your post typhoon until after, you lot can hitting "Save Typhoon" to do this.

Or, if you're ready to schedule, striking "Schedule". From in that location, you'll be able to choose which appointment and time you'd like to post.

The date and time yous settle on is, ultimately, up to y'all. If you're just starting out, you might desire to test different times and so review your reporting to assess which fourth dimension slot tends to perform best for your business.

Once you've decided on a time, striking "Schedule".

Step 3: Schedule Your Post

From there, simply click "Schedule Post" and you're done! Congratulations, you've just scheduled a Facebook postal service.

If you lot need to make changes to your mail service, delete it or alter the post time, click "Publishing Tools" on your folio.

Click "Scheduled Posts" and so find the scheduled post y'all'd like to edit. Click on the post, and so click "Actions". From there, you can publish your post immediately, reschedule it to a dissimilar date, backdate information technology or delete it completely.

If yous click the three small-scale dots on the post, you can edit your mail service. From there, simply brand any edits to your post re-create and relieve

How to Schedule Multiple Facebook Posts at once

Although information technology is handy to know how to schedule single posts on Facebook, it tin be time-consuming, especially if you're trying to schedule a few posts at once.

Bulk uploading can be helpful, peculiarly if you're managing social posts for events, coordinating a launch, or managing multiple social media platforms at once.

There are tools that can exist used to schedule multiple posts on Facebook and your other channels.

The MavSocial "Bulk Upload" function allows you to schedule multiple posts on a range of social channels, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, or Google MyBusiness, using a simple Excel sheet template. In fact, our Bulk Uploader allows you to schedule over 100 posts at a time to your Facebook profiles.

And so, without further ado, here's how to schedule multiple posts on Facebook.

Pace 1: Set up Up Your Upload

First up, log in to MavSocial and hover over the "Publish" button at the top navigational bar on your screen. Hit "Bulk Upload".

From at that place, select your entrada details on the left-hand side of the screen. If you don't already have a campaign to utilize, you tin quickly and easily create i in the "Campaign" section. All your posts will demand to be added to a campaign.

Campaigns are handy, particularly for events or campaigns that might be running within a certain period. Campaigns tin help you organize your content far more effectively. Information technology tin can even enable you to create separate entrada-based social posts so you can differentiate these from your other regular weekly content.

They as well permit y'all to employ grouped posts within campaigns and aggregate your reporting data for a more holistic view of entrada operation.

Once the details on the left-hand side of the screen are filled out, hitting "Download" to access the Excel template which volition be set upwardly in the verbal format you'll need to be able to upload your posts.

Step 2: Enter Your Posts

Once you lot take downloaded the template, you just need to follow the instructions within the template and enter the data for all your posts. This will save you a significant corporeality of fourth dimension in the long run, particularly if you have a large number of posts to upload, or if yous're repeating the aforementioned posts across different channels.

To add your images within the Bulk Uploader, you lot have two options.

Yous can add images that you lot've already uploaded into your Digital Library; the congenital-in asset management system within MavSocial. In this case, y'all can but copy the Asset ID from the nugget details in the Digital Library and paste it into the ImageID/VideoID column in the spreadsheet.

Alternatively, you tin can add images using a URL if that image is found somewhere online. If yous're using an paradigm URL, simply copy the URL from wherever your image is hosted online and paste information technology within the sheet.

This can exist very useful when re-posting images from, say, Instagram; just be sure to attribute other user's images correctly if you are using this procedure.

Step 3: Upload your file

Add your file by clicking "Upload". Be certain to select the right appointment and time format that you lot're using in your spreadsheet and make sure that the time zone is ready in the right metropolis to begin with!

When your file is ready, striking "Upload & Continue".

From in that location, y'all'll see a summary screen with your posts. If in that location are whatever errors, they will appear on this screen. Common errors might include your post copy existence too long or your image size being incorrect.

These problems can be hands fixed past clicking on the mail service before y'all continue.

Once any issues are resolved, click "Publish/Schedule All" to proceed.

Footstep 4: Bank check your schedule

At present that you know how to schedule multiple posts on Facebook, all you need to do is bank check your work. To check posts, simply click "Campaign," at the top navigational bar, then hit "Calendar".

You'll be able to view your post and click on it to bank check the copy, prototype, or time if needed.

You tin can even click on your posts to delete or edit them as needed if your campaign is likely to alter over time. So, there you have it! The MavSocial Bulk Upload tool is far simpler than uploading posts one by one.

The more you can automate your social media processes, the better, and once you have adept this process, it will get even faster and more intuitive over time.

Once you've nailed posting multiple posts, you can even create repeating queues for content y'all might want to post several times; for instance, important Facebook posts or interesting Tweets.

Notice out how to create a repeating queue here. At present that you've learned how to schedule multiple posts on Facebook, you can start to be much more efficient and more consistent with your posting. Your audition will learn to expect fantastic content from you, volition stay engaged, and keep coming back for more.

For more data and troubleshooting, click here to larn almost majority uploading.

Want to try our Bulk Upload part? Savor this feature and many more than with a MavSocial account.

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