Which of the Following Should Be Considered When Constructing an Opinion/review Search Engine?

A literature review is a summary of studies related to a particular expanse of enquiry. Information technology identifies and summarizes all the relevant inquiry conducted on a item topic. Information technology is important that your literature review is focused. Therefore, you lot should choose a limited number of studies that are central to your topic rather than trying to collect a wide range of studies that might non be closely connected.

Literature reviews help y'all accomplish the following:

  • Evaluate past research
    Collecting relevant resource will help you see what research has already been done. This volition also help avoid duplication.
  • Identify experts
    It is important to identify credible researchers who have knowledge in a given field, in order to seek their assistance if y'all become stuck with certain aspects of your enquiry.
  • Place key questions
    Your ultimate aim is to bring something new to the conversation. Collecting resources will aid you determine the of import questions that need to be addressed.
  • Make up one's mind methodologies used in past studies
    Knowing how others take approached a detail topic will requite yous the opportunity to place problems and detect new ways to research and study a topic. If the reported methodology was successful, y'all can use it and save time that you would otherwise exist spending on optimization.

Presenting Literature Review in the Introduction and Discussion Sections

In that location are many benefits to presenting literature reviews in the introduction and discussion sections of your manuscripts. Nevertheless, in that location are differences in how y'all can present literature reviews in each section.

What Should be Included in the Literature Review of the Introduction Section?

The literature reviewed in the introduction should:

  • Innovate the topic
  • Establish the significance of the study
  • Provide an overview of the relevant literature
  • Establish a context for the study using the literature
  • Identify knowledge gaps
  • Illustrate how the written report volition advance knowledge on the topic

Equally you can see, literature review plays a significant role in the introduction section. Yet, there are some things that you should avoid doing in this section. These include:

  • Elaborating on the studies mentioned in the literature review
  • Using studies from the literature review to aggressively back up your research
  • Directly quoting studies from the literature review

Information technology is important to know how to integrate the literature review into the introduction in an constructive way. Although you can mention other studies, they should not exist the focus. Instead, focus on using the literature review to aid in setting a foundation for the manuscript.

What Goes in the Literature Review of the Discussion Department?

Literature reviews play an of import function in the discussion section of a manuscript. In this section, your findings should be the focus, rather than those of other researchers. Therefore, you should merely utilise the studies mentioned in the literature review as support and evidence for your written report.

There are three ways in which you tin use literature reviews in the discussion section:

  • To Provide Context for Your Study
    Using studies from the literature review helps to ready the foundation for how you lot will reveal your findings and develop your ideas.
  • Compare your Findings to Other Studies
    You tin can use previous literature equally a backdrop to compare your new findings. This helps draw and also advance your ideas.
  • Country the Contribution of Your Report
    In addition to developing your ideas, you lot can use literature reviews to explain how your study contributes to the field of report.

Notwithstanding, in that location are three common mistakes that researchers brand when including literature reviews in the discussion section. Kickoff, they mention all sorts of studies, some of which are not fifty-fifty relevant to the topic nether investigation. 2d, instead of citing the original commodity, they cite a related commodity that mentions the original article. Lastly, some authors cite previous work solely based on the abstract, without even going through the entire paper.

Nosotros hope this commodity helps you lot effectively present your literature review in both the introduction too as the discussion section of your manuscript. You can besides mention whatsoever other tips that will add together to this article in the comments section below.


[1] http://www.math.montana.edu/jobo/phdprep/documents/phd6.pdf

[2] https://libguides.unf.edu/c.php?g=177129&p=1163732

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Source: https://www.enago.com/academy/literature-review-tips-for-the-introduction-and-discussion-sections/

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