Can I Watch My Video Baby Monitor From My Phone

How to turn an old phone into a baby monitor


Kelsey Cruz

Web log author Kelsey Cruz

Kelsey Cruz is a feminist blogger from the city of brotherly love who is obsessed with bourbon, black blazers, and blow-out bars. She loves to cook and is always up to bandy smoothie recipes. More often than not, though, she likes long walks on the Philly streets with her pit-boxer Henry of whom she will definitely show you lot pictures. Follow her on Twitter @kelsey_cruz.

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Whether this is your first baby or your third, yous care about their prophylactic. And when yous're non in the room, you want to know their safe and audio. Fortunately, babe monitors were designed to exercise just that. They allow you to scout them via video so you can hear and run into them. Merely did you know that you tin take the luxury of a babe monitor and the peace of listen information technology provides without having to vanquish out coin for it? Baby monitors are out and smartphones are very, very in. Here's how to turn your old telephone into a infant monitor in iii easy steps.

1. Take hold of an onetime phone

If you don't have an old smartphone, ask a friend for theirs. Information technology doesn't have to be fancy or flashy. Notwithstanding, it does need to be functional, take a decently-sized, usable screen (i.due east. not cracked), and have strong Wi-Fi access so you can download an app and upload a live stream of video.

2. Download a baby monitor app on both phones

For this stride, you need both your current telephone and the sometime smart phone — yous'll be downloading a baby monitor app to both of them. Once you download your chosen app on both phones, follow the on-screen instructions and installation guide to get started. Pro tip: Download the app on a secure wi-fi network that is password-protected. You don't want anyone else to take access to your habitation, nursery, or baby.

Hither are iii great infant monitor apps: Cloud Baby Monitor — This app works on all Apple products — from the iPhone to Apple TV — and is easy to use, reliable, and secure. With this app, you can talk to your babe, turn on lullabies and white noise, and even control brightness with its built-in nightlight. Most importantly, it has unlimited range so you tin can enjoy the same quality video and sound both within and outside your home. Infant Monitor & Alarm — This app is available for both Apple and Android phones and is very easy to start and use. In fact, the app offers impressive support features if yous're experiencing problems with it. With Infant Monitor & Alert, you can cheque the Activity Log to see if your infant slept soundly or restlessly through the night. And if he'southward tossing and turning, you can soothe him to slumber with the sound of your voice or by playing his favorite lullaby. Baby Monitor 3G — Available on both Apple and Android phones, Baby Monitor 3G provides peace of mind and security to its users. It boasts a quick and easy setup (less than xxx seconds!) and provides live video stream, unlimited reach, and vibration alerts to notify yous when your baby is awake.

3. Ready the old phone

In the nursery or whichever room you want to monitor, make sure the phone faces the crib and babe. Place it in a location where information technology won't be knocked over and where you tin run across the whole crib and babe, not just half of them. It'southward also smart to always keep the smartphone plugged in then it stays charged. The quondam phone will be your baby monitor while your personal phone will always be with you lot to admission and monitor your baby'due south sounds and movements remotely.The best office near babe monitor apps? Constant access. Because most people always accept their phones on them, baby monitor apps provide constant remote access and tracking (as long as at that place'southward Wi-Fi!) of your infant. That mode, as long as both phones are always charged and on secure networks, yous tin passively watch him while he sleeps and plays.What's more, babe monitor apps are cheap and then yous tin can download a few and see which one is all-time for you and your baby. (In fact, they're cheaper than many standard baby monitors which tin can price hundreds of dollars!) But, remember, the most of import thing to do is find an app that is reliable, secure, and effective. The all-time baby monitor app is i that makes things easier and condom for both you and your baby.


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